True Strike 5E: D&D Spell Description and Usage Guide

True Strike 5E

Within the intricate tapestry of Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition spells, one incantation stands out for its unique ability to enhance a caster’s precision on the battlefield. True Strike, a spell of remarkable utility and tactical advantage, empowers spellcasters with the ability to transcend the boundaries of normal accuracy.

As adventurers embark on dangerous quests and face formidable foes, the strategic applications of True Strike become apparent. In this article, we explore the essence of True Strike, examining its distinct properties and highlighting its role in shaping the outcome of encounters. Prepare to discover the hidden potential of this spell as we delve into the depths of True Strike in D&D 5th Edition.

Also Read: BLESS 5E

What is True Strike 5e?

True Strike 5e isn’t just a spell, it’s a strategic tool that gives you an edge in battle, allowing your next attack roll to have an advantage. As part of the spell mechanics, it’s important to understand how True Strike works. You extend your hand and point a finger at a target within range. Your magic grants you insight into the target’s defenses, and upon your next turn, you gain an advantage on your first attack against the target.

What is True Strike 5e?

Now let’s delve deeper into casting techniques and True Strike origins. This cantrip originated from divination magic, and its casting is quite straightforward: one action with somatic components only. However, balancing its use requires tactical finesse due to its magical limitations – consuming both time and concentration.

Understanding the strategic applications of True Strike 5e will help you maximize its potential in combat scenarios. It shines particularly when used with high-stakes attacks where missing would be disastrous or costly spells where every hit counts.

So remember, when you’re standing shoulder-to-shoulder with companions facing down danger together, wielding this spell correctly can make all the difference between victory and defeat. The power of True Strike 5e lies not just in casting it but in using it wisely!

Who Can Cast True Strike 5e?

You’ll find that the following classes can cast True Strike in Dungeons and Dragons:

  • Wizards
  • Sorcerers
  • Warlocks
  • Bards

Each of these caster categories has its unique flair, adding a distinctive edge to your combat scenarios. However, remember that using True Strike effectively isn’t just about being able to cast it—it’s about knowing when it’s best utilized.

Remember though – every spell has its limitations. Be wise in choosing when and where you unleash this potent prelude to your attack. It’s all part of the thrill that makes our shared adventure in D&D truly captivating!

How and when should I use True Strike 5e?

When planning your strategy in the heat of battle, it’s crucial to consider the most opportune moments to weave this potent incantation into your attack. True Strike 5e can be a game-changer in your combat strategy if used judiciously.

The spell has a casting time of one action and lasts until the end of your next turn, giving you plenty of time for tactical maneuvering. However, remember that its concentration requirement means any damage could disrupt it. So, ensure you’re in a safe position or have reliable defense before using it.

True Strike shines brightest when going up against foes with high magic resistance. By granting an advantage on your first attack roll during its spell duration, True Strike allows you to hit more accurately, making those pesky-resistant enemies less daunting.

Remember, True Strike requires foresight and coordination with other party members since its benefit only applies to your next turn. Therefore, use it when you foresee that an ally’s actions would buy you enough time without facing retaliation.

So embrace this magical boon as part of your arsenal, weaving it cleverly into the tapestry of combat for strategic supremacy.

the True Strike 5e Features

Delving into the specifics, it’s important to highlight the key characteristics of this potent spell:

  • Spell Mechanics: True Strike is a cantrip that lets you focus on a target within 30 feet. On your next turn, you gain an advantage on your first attack roll against the target. This gives you an edge in combat, making your strikes more accurate and deadly.
  • Casting Limitations: It requires concentration and uses up your action to cast it, which means you won’t be able to perform another action like attacking or casting another spell until your next turn.
  • Combat Strategies: With True Strike, you can strategize how best to utilize your actions in battle. For instance, if facing a tough opponent with high armor class or evasive abilities, using True Strike first ensures higher chances of successful hits in subsequent turns.

The role-play implications are also significant; casting True Strike shows precision and patience in combat – qualities admired by many adventurers and respected by adversaries alike.

True Strike variations exist across different classes but its main essence remains consistent: providing an edge over opponents through heightened accuracy and strategic planning. So whether you’re a sorcerer dabbling in divination magic or a warlock bargaining with otherworldly entities for power, remember this: wielding True Strike makes every strike count!


Who Can I Target With True Strike 5e?

In the heat of battle, knowing that this spell lets you zero in on any creature within a 30-foot radius is crucial. The flexibility of True Strike 5e allows for a versatile targeting strategy and can be invaluable when the stakes are high.

Who Can I Target With True Strike 5e?

When used strategically, this cantrip could significantly increase your chances of landing an attack on your turn. True Strike is not without its challenges, though. Spell resistance may pose an obstacle if the target possesses such an ability. However, with careful planning and tactical usage of the spell during combat, you will likely overcome this challenge by focusing on opponents with low saving throws.

Regarding the cooldown period and multi-targeting possibilities, True Strike does not offer multi-targeting capabilities, nor can it bypass a cooldown period. Being a concentration spell requires focusing on one target at a time until your next turn.

This doesn’t mean True Strike isn’t worth using. On the contrary! If you find yourself up against a formidable foe or need to tip the scales in favor of your party during critical moments, employing True Strike 5e might just turn defeat into victory!

Pros and Cons

Let’s take a moment to weigh the advantages and disadvantages that come with this powerful spell.


  • Spell Combinations: True Strike 5e can be paired with other spells to maximize damage output. A correctly timed True Strike can turn the tide of a battle.
  • Combat Strategy: It enhances your subsequent attack, providing you an edge in combat by granting an advantage on your next hit.
  • Power Balance: This spell provides a balanced power boost without overpowering or overshadowing other class abilities.


  • Casting Time: The primary drawback is its casting time. Using an action to cast it means sacrificing one round of attacks, which could be critical in certain scenarios.
  • Spell Limitations: Its benefits apply only to your first attack on the next turn, limiting its usefulness when you have multiple attacks per turn.
  • Targeting Restrictions: You must keep concentration and maintain sight of your target until your next turn, making it less effective against stealthy opponents or those who can easily break the line of sight.

Though True Strike 5e carries potential drawbacks, strategic use can make it an effective tool for turning battles in your favor.


Frequently Asked Questions

1. Is there any way to enhance the effectiveness of True Strike 5e?

Consider the spell duration and casting time implications to enhance True Strike’s effectiveness. Tailor your concentration requirements to PvP situations. Don’t forget the necessity of specific spell components in maintaining or boosting its potency.

2. Can True Strike 5e be resisted or nullified by any other spell or ability?

Absolutely! True Strike resistance can occur through spell interaction or ability interference. Spells like Shield, Counterspell, or abilities that grant immunity to divination magic are effective nullification methods and True Strike counters.

3. Are there any specific scenarios or creatures where True Strike 5e is particularly useful or ineffective?

True Strike’s advantages shine in spellcasting tactics where you’re setting up a powerful, high-stakes attack next turn. However, its limitations reveal against creatures immune to divination magic or in fast-paced combat strategy scenarios.

4. What other spells or abilities pair well with True Strike 5e?

For spellcasting synergy, true strike pairs well with high-damage, single-target spells. In combat tactics, it offers a tactical advantage by improving casting efficiency. Optimal pairings include disintegrating or finger of death for your next attack.

5. Can True Strike 5e be combined with other attacks in the same turn?

Due to its casting time, you can’t combine True Strike with attacks in the same turn. Range limitations, concentration requirements, spell level implications, and multi-class interactions also dictate how you use it strategically.



So, you’ve learned all about True Strike 5e. It’s a unique spell that various classes can cast, and while it has its limitations, its benefits are significant when used strategically.

Remember to consider your targets carefully and fully use this spell’s features. With practice, you’ll master True Strike 5e in no time.

Keep gaming and exploring the magical world of D&D – there’s always another spell waiting for discovery!

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