Rogue 5E – Master the Shadows with Our DnD Class Guide

John Rogers

I desire to guide you through the intriguing world of Dungeons & Dragons, specifically focusing on one of the most captivating classes – Rogue 5E. Renowned for their stealth and skill, this class holds a special place in any party they join.

The Rogue’s cunning maneuvers and agile combat techniques make them an exciting choice, undoubtedly not for the faint-hearted. Whether it’s disarming traps with flair or sleuthing your way past enemies, playing a Rogue offers an unmatched adrenaline rush! Stay with me as I navigate you through a comprehensive guide to all things Rogue 5E today.

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Hit Points

One of the fundamental aspects you need to understand and calculate is your Hit Points (HP). This magical little number determines how much damage you can take before dropping to 0.

  • Starting Hit Points: As a rogue in DnD 5E, you start with maximum hit points derived from the roll of an eight-sided die (8d), which is usually 8 plus your Constitution modifier at first level.
  • Hit Points at Higher Levels: For every level beyond the first, you roll additional d8s. Alternatively, you can choose to take five plus your Constitution modifier instead of moving a d8 to determine added hit points for each higher level.

Now that we’ve covered the basics of calculating Rogue 5E’s Hit Points, let’s also remember the importance these numbers play within our game strategy. They are not just about survival – they’re also indicators of when to lay low, retreat, heal, or charge headfirst into battle.

Rogue 5E— Proficiency Bonus Table

Below is the table for Rogue 5E, which gives an idea about the skills required at each level, along with proficiency and their features.

LevelProficiency BonusFeatures
1+2Sneak Attack, Thieves’ Cant
2+2Cunning Action
3+2Roguish Archetype
4+2Ability Score Improvement (ASI), Uncanny Dodge
5+3Sneak Attack (3d6), Uncanny Dodge
7+3Evasion, Archetype Feature
9+4Sneak Attack (5d6), Archetype Feature
11+4Reliable Talent
13+5Sneak Attack (7d6), Roguish Archetype Feature
14+5Blind Sense
15+5Slippery Mind
17+6Sneak Attack (9d6 ), Roguish Archetype Feature
20+6Stroke of Luck

Rogue 5E Equipments

The equipment basically refers to the tools and weapons required by any character. Some of the equipment of Rogue 5E is mentioned below:

  • Weapons: As a Rogue, you’re going to want to prioritize dexterity-based weapons. Short swords and daggers are great for close combat, while hand crossbows and short bows are perfect for ranged attacks.
  • Armor: Light armor is the way to go with Rogues as it doesn’t compromise their agility or Sneak Attack feature. Leather Armor is your starting point, with the upgrade goal being Studded Leather Armor for better defense.
  • Thieves’ Tools: This kit embodies everything a Rogue needs to pick locks and disable traps – two defining features of this DnD class.
  • Dagger: No self-respecting rogue should be without one. Not only does it fulfill all your stabby needs in close combat, but it can also be thrown at a distance if necessary.
  • Explorer’s Pack: This pack prepares you for long journeys, covering necessities such as bedroll, mess kit, tinderbox, torches, etc.

Remember though! While these equipment pieces enhance your experience as a rogue in DnD 5e Class Guide, there’s no substitute for cunning strategies and preservation tactics that typify this class. Stay nimble, my friends!


Rogue 5E Class Features

Rogues in Dungeons and Dragons 5E have a wealth of abilities and features that make them versatile and unique.

Rogue 5E Class Features

From their ability to swiftly and stealthily take down enemies to their uncanny knack for evasion and trap detection, Rogues has a plethora of exciting and beneficial features at their disposal.


As a Rogue, at 1st level, you get the Expertise feature. This allows you to:

  • Choose two of your skill proficiencies or one of your skill proficiencies and your proficiency with thieves’ tools.
  • The selected proficiencies will then be doubled for any ability check that uses either of the chosen proficiencies.
  • At 6th level, you can choose two more skills for your expertise.

The Expertise feature basically allows you to specialize and become truly elite in certain areas.

Sneak Attack

One of the key class features of the Rogue is the Sneak Attack. It starts from the 1st level and increases swiftly as you level up. It allows you to:

  • Deal an extra d6 (6-sided dice) of damage to a target that another enemy engages.
  • The extra damage increases as you level up, reaching up to 10d6 at level 20.

Sneak Attack is a crucial part of a Rogue’s combat strategy, allowing them to strike enemies with surprising and devastating effectiveness.

Thieves Cant

At 1st level, you also acquire the ability to use Thieves’ Cant. This is:

  • A secret mix of dialect, jargon, and code that allows you to hide messages in seemingly normal conversation.
  • Only another creature that knows thieves cant understand these messages.
  • It takes four times longer to convey such a message than it does to speak the same idea plainly.

Thieves’ Cant adds a layer of intrigue and subterfuge to your character, enhancing role-play opportunities.

Cunning Action

At 2nd level, your quick thinking and agility allow you to move and act quickly through combat with the Cunning Action feature. This means:

  • You can take a bonus action on each of your turns in combat to either Dash, Disengage, or Hide.
  • This allows for more mobility and the ability to quickly adapt to changing battle conditions.

This feature adds tactical depth to combat, giving you more options and potentially giving you the edge in combat scenarios.

Rogue 5E Tips & Tricks

As a Rogue in Dungeons and Dragons 5E, you’ll play a critical role within your party. You’re quick, stealthy, skilled in numerous tasks, and devastate enemies with precise blows.

Here are some tips to help maximize these unique skills during gameplay:

  • Maximize Your Stealth: Rogues are masters of stealth and deception. Use this to your advantage by scouting ahead for potential danger or setting up ambushes for enemies.
  • Role-play Your Abilities: Deep undercover operations, high-stakes negotiations; there’s no end to the social situations where a rogue can shine.
  • Use Cunning Action Wisely: This feature allows you to take a bonus action each turn for dashing, hiding, or disengaging.
  • Understanding Sneak Attacks: This ability should be your bread and butter as a rogue. Whenever you have an advantage on an attack roll or one of your allies is within 5 feet of the enemy you are attacking, then it’s time for a sneak attack.
  • Invest In Skills: As a character that heavily relies on skills, ensure that they remain optimized throughout your gameplay.


Frequently Asked Questions

As a professional D&D player, I often encounter several questions regarding the Rogue 5E class from new and experienced players alike. Now, let me share with you some of the most frequently asked questions and my own answers to them.

How can I get the best out of my Thief archetype?

The Thief archetype truly shines when you utilize their bonus actions effectively. Abilities like “Fast Hands” let you do things other classes cannot match.

Are all Rogues sneaky backstabbers?

Not at all! While they’re known for their stealth and sneak damage, that isn’t the only way to play a rogue. You can be an enforcer-type character with high strength or a charismatic conman focusing on Charisma instead of your usual dexterous thief model.

What is the most important stat for rogue 5e?

Dexterity is key for any Rogue, and Intelligence is important for Arcane Tricksters, but your need for Wisdom and Charisma depends largely on your choice of skills and role in the party.

What is the easiest rogue to play 5e?

Because their premise and their features are so simple, the Assassin is one of the easiest rogue subclasses to play. They don’t have resources to track or complicated additional mechanics, so if you’re comfortable with the complexity of the Rogue’s core features, you’re already ready to handle the Assassin.



In wrapping up our deep dive into Rogue 5E for DnD 2023, it’s clear to see how this class stands apart with its adaptability and cunning. From its intricate leveling system and unique features to the vital equipment needed, this guide provides you with comprehensive knowledge to fully embrace rogue life.

Master these traits of the Rogue 5E, as understanding them is critically essential to survive through any given scenario in gameplay. Remember, there’s no one way to play—your rogue can be as crafty and unpredictable as you imagine them! Happy gaming!

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