Dungeons & Dragons

Healing Spirit 5E

Healing Spirit 5E: Harnessing the Restorative Magic in D&D

John Rogers

As an adventurer in Dungeons and Dragons 5e, you will encounter situations where your hit points are dwindling and your ...

Thunderwave 5E

Thunderwave 5E: D&D Spell Description, Mechanics, and Guide

John Rogers

You’re ready to dive into the thrilling world of Dungeons & Dragons, aren’t you? Well, let’s talk about one of ...

Control Flames 5E

Control Flames 5E: Harnessing Elemental Power in D&D

John Rogers

If you’re a fan of Dungeons & Dragons, then you know the thrill of wielding incredible powers in your magical ...

Identify 5E: D&D Spell Description, Mechanics, and Guide

John Rogers

You’ve likely encountered the ‘Identify 5e’ spell if you’re a Dungeons and Dragons enthusiast. As a magic user in this ...

Thaumaturgy 5E

Thaumaturgy 5E: D&D Spell Description, Mechanics, and Guide

John Rogers

Dive into the exciting world of Dungeons and Dragons 5e, where your imagination rules supreme. You’re about to discover the ...

Hunter's Mark 5e: D&D Spell Guide and Mechanics

Hunter’s Mark 5e: D&D Spell Guide and Mechanics

John Rogers

You’ve probably heard of Hunter’s Mark 5e if you’re a Dungeons and Dragons fan. Whether you’re a seasoned player or ...

Charm Person 5E: D&D Spell Description and Usage Guide

John Rogers

Are you looking to sway the minds of others in your Dungeons & Dragons game? Look no further than Charm ...

Dispel Magic 5E

Dispel Magic 5E: D&D Spell Description and Usage Guide

John Rogers

You’re knee-deep in a tense Dungeons & Dragons campaign, and your party is facing off against a powerful wizard. Suddenly, ...

Phantasmal Force 5E

Phantasmal Force 5E: D&D Spell Description and Usage Guide

John Rogers

If you’re a Dungeons and Dragons fan, then you know how thrilling it can be to use your imagination and ...

Silence 5E

Silence 5E: D&D Spell Description and Usage Guide

John Rogers

If you’re a Dungeons and Dragons enthusiast, chances are you’ve come across the spell Silence 5e. This powerful spell can ...